Skate Park Gold Card

Skate Park Gold Card

My daughters like to remind me of my age.  It’s not because I struggle to remember it.  No, that would be innocent and helpful.  They do this for their amusement.  Typically, they remind me of how old I’m getting when they’re challenging me to try some “fun” activity.  “Dad, do the splits!”  Yeah, right.  “Dad, try a back walk-over!”  Nope.  “Dad, do a backflip!”  Not after the last ER visit.  Most of the time I simply decline to accept the challenge, but sometimes I surprise them and make an attempt anyway.  Whatever my response is, shortly after and usually through laughter, they yell out, “Dad, you’re just too old!”  

For the record, I’m not that old, but 40 is just around the corner.  Men’s Health Magazine has suggested that if, at my age, I give into the “I’m just too old” mentality, it will affect my health for the rest of my life.  Apparently, this is the beginning of some pre “midlife crisis”.  The magazine suggested that I engage in some kind of adventurous activity to “maintain my youth.”  Enter Trials Mountain Biking.  

Spoke Life cycles hooked me up with the necessary gear and I ran out to the Fremont Rec. Center skate park to overcome its obstacles.  I quickly observed that, to my knowledge, only one other near-40-year-old had attempted to navigate the park since I had started training.  He hurt himself… Now, to my knowledge, I’m the only guy my age regularly visiting the park.

Despite the risk of bodily harm and the explosive energy it takes to engage in Trials, it took me no time at all to fall in love with the sport. I’ve been introduced to a whole new group of people.  I’m enjoying myself, my adrenaline is pumping, my body is in better shape and I’m experiencing a great new adventure in life.  Now, I can’t imagine not being engaged in Trials riding.  

It amazes me how many times God used people who were considered “too old” to get His work done.  Abraham, Sarah and Moses quickly come to mind.  Moses had the job of bringing in obstinate people across treacherous terrain in an effort to bring them closer to the promised land. That’s incredible!

At Lindsey Trinity, dozens of retired persons run incredibly energetic and highly attended programs at our church.  Clearly, some things become more difficult with age.  However, that has not stopped these many wonderful people from living out this incredible adventure that God has started in them as they try to bring people closer to the “promised land.”  Not a single person is telling them that they’re just “too old.”  How could they?  Look at the amazing good that they’re doing!  The results of their lives speak for themselves.  They’re inspirational and worth imitating.  

So I’ll jump back on my bike, not just to maintain my youth, but to connect with the mentality of those who refuse to disengage from the adventure despite age.  May those amazing people motivate us to throw aside excuses and lives of purpose and adventure!

Pastor Travis


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