Our sermons are offered online by date. . May you be blessed by these messages!
How do we deal with our fears during this troubling time. It’s a matter of where we place our hope.
We say that Jesus was meek and mild, yet the same Jesus turned over the money changer’s tables in the temple and chased them with a whip. What does it really mean to be meek? Listen to find out.
Jesus taught “Happy are those who mourn”. You may be asking yourself “Is he for real?” It probably doesn’t mean what you may think. Listen in as Pastor Travis continues his series on the Beatitudes.
Do you have a regret that haunts you like a bad tattoo, things you can’t ever make right? We have hope in the fact that no sin is greater than the life of Jesus Christ. Listen as Pastor Travis explains.
Join us Wednesday evenings for a light meal at 6 and a insipational message at 7 as we focus on The Beatitudes with Pastor Travis Montgomery.
God commanded Moses to climb Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments when he was 80 years old. That’s quite a challenge for a man even half that age! Can’t we have mountain top experiences without having to do the climb? Listen to find out.
As Christians we live in a world that wants to change us to fit in to it’s culture and values. What can we learn from Christ’s message to the church of Pergamum to help resist compromising our faith?
It takes hard work and sacrifice to save for a financial investment of lasting value. But Jesus isn’t giving us advice on retirement planning when He suggests we buy gold. Listen as Pastor Travis sheds some light on what He’s suggesting.
Some times our biggest aruguments can stem from the smallest of stuations. In this week’s scripture, Paul deals with an argument amoungst believers that can still cause trouble in today ‘s church. Listen in as Pastor Travis explains how.