Our sermons are offered online by date. . May you be blessed by these messages!
In Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep, the shepherd leaves the 99 to shearch for the one that is lost. But who will care for the 99 while he is gone?
Sometimes life is just rough. When we face struggles and challenges to our faith, Pastor Travis encourages us to dig in and work thru those issues, so that we can experience the joy of building a deeper relationship with Christ.
Pastor Scott reminds us that we must fight the temptations to become like the rest of our culture. We must stick to our principles in order to have an effective Christian witness.
Even if we can’t grasp the the principles of electrical conductivity, we still have faith that our lights will come on when we flip the switch. Today Pastor Travis takes a look at how we can have faith that God’s promises will happen even when we can’t proved by science or general reason that they will.
Our first thought is that we want to be like Martha; doing the work to prepare for a visit with Jesus. However, does Mary have the right attitude instead?
What would it take for America to turn back to following God as a nation? Pastor JT Bean takes a look at when Israel turned it’s back on God’s way of living. Is America in the same situation?
In today’s scripture, Jesus seems to command people to do the opposite of what we would expect. However, the focus may not be about what he is commanding, but about the how and why.
In today’s message, Pastor Travis asks us “What good thing in this present age would we exchange the proclamation of Jesus Christ for?” How would you feel if that would become the legacy you leave behind?
Parents know what it means to sacrifice. However the joy of having a loving family is worth the cost. It takes much more to be a follower of Christ. Are you willing to give up everything to experience the joy of being in God’s family?