The Lindsey Trinity Worship Service is best described as a blended service. It’s a service that incorporates both the traditional and the contemporary worship styles.

Simply put, we value the relationships that we have with one another over having a singular worship style. Sure, we could separate into two services, but it would be at the cost of church community. We believe that holding relationships dear over demanding personal tastes for particular worship styles reflects Biblical values and brings us greater joy!

General Structure of Service:

Announcements: Some announcements are offered by the pastor and some are offered by congregants.

Praise Singing: Praise singing consists of fairly well-known praise songs and choruses.

Prelude: It’s during the Prelude where we take time individually to prepare our hearts for worship. At this time the organ or piano plays music while many people pray silently while others may quietly enjoy the music.

It’s also during this time that we have the Entering of the Christ Light. This is a symbolic gesture used to remind us of the presence of the Holy Spirit at service.

Call to Worship: The Call to Worship is a leader/people responsive reading, which is printed in the bulletin. The Call to Worship has a direct correlation to the theme of the sermon.

Prayer: This prayer is printed in the bulletin and also correlates to the sermon. It is led by the liturgist and read aloud by the congregation.

Praise Hymn #1: This is our first traditional hymn of the service. They hymn and page number are announced by the liturgist and can be found in the hymnals at your seat.

Prayer Requests and Celebrations: The pastor asks if there are any joys or concerns that the congregants would like to share with the rest of the community. A microphone is offered for those who would like to share.

Pastoral Prayer: The Pastor Prays out loud.

The Lord’s Prayer: The Pastor transitions from his prayer into the Lord’s Prayer at this point. If you aren’t sure what the Lord’s Prayer is, that’s ok, it is printed in the bulletin.

The Offering: Ushers pass offering plates to congregants who place tithes and offerings into the plate. When someone is visiting, they are not expected to give! Once the offering is collected, everyone stands and sings the Doxology (a song), which is also printed in the bulletin. Once the Doxology is completed the liturgist prays and everyone sits down.

Scripture Lesson: This is where the Liturgist reads the New Testament or Old Testament Lesson, which also correlates to the sermon.

Children’s Moment: This is where children (who are not in the nursery) can choose to come up front for a lesson specifically for them. They usually get candy at the end of the lesson.

The Sermon: Also may be listed as the Meditation. This is where the Pastor offers his message.

Final Hymn: This is our second traditional hymn of the service. The hymn and page # will also be announced.

The Benediction: This is the final address from the Pastor. It usually correlates with the message. Then the Pastor dismisses the church for the end of service.

This is a general structure for our church service, but there are some services that may differ slightly.


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